Companies that provide a superior customer experience will be the ones to thrive in this economy. With the immense competition out there, it’s essential for businesses not only to offer quality products but also to make sure their clients feel valued and satisfied with what they buy from you as well. 

If you want to be successful, your business must have a good customer service ticketing system. With how new businesses spring up and die out daily with adequate resources, it’s almost like someone is winning at life or something. Fortunately, some businesses can ride out this storm by staying afloat with good patronage and reasonable profit margins. To ensure the longevity of their business, businesses must provide quality customer service. This will help them retain customers and generate more value from returning visitors than if they had just started with new clients instead. However, many businesses fail to convert most new customers into returning ones and lose some other re-occurring clientele because they don’t respond properly when called upon.

As a means of improving customer service, support managers have access to various tools that help them handle customer inquiries. One such tool is ticketing. Ticketing services such as MetroHelpDesk exist to make the job easier for administrators by providing the tools they need to process customer inquiries in a timely manner.

What are ticketing tools?

Ticketing systems are an increasingly important tool in customer service. These software solutions process and catalog all customer interactions. It also allows teams to route requests accordingly while obtaining resolutions as quickly as possible. 

Key benefits of ticketing tools: 

  • Ticketing tools are an excellent way for organizations to save time and effort on their support teams. In addition, ticket pools can be organized according to priority systems, ensuring the most urgent tickets get attention before the less important ones do.
  • The ticketing tools help businesses improve customer service and satisfy customers by submitting their queries in a documented manner. The automation of the process also makes resolution much faster, which means that no matter how complicated your problem might be; you will get an answer quickly.
  • The automation tool also ensures that all resolutions are recorded for future reference, so there’s no need to age or monitor those cases by hand manually; it just gets done automatically with ease. 
  • With ticketing tools, business owners can evaluate their employees’ performance on the job and set targets. Data collected from Support Team Agents will show where they need improvement or deserve commended for a well-done job. 

7 Support Ticketing Tools to Help Your Teams Function Efficiently

  1. MetroHelpDesk: MetroHelpdesk is helpdesk software that can keep track of the progress of all tickets submitted to it. The system establishes escalations periods for response and resolutions, assigning a Rank to each ticket based on its priority level and category affected by the user. MetroHelpDesk offers a complete ticketing solution, including customer service software, data analytics services, and custom-branded implementations.
  1. Hubspot: HubSpot is a help desk that helps users prioritize incoming requests, organize teams, and aggregate queries in one optimal chatbox. It has a free service, but premium access comes with a monthly subscription.
  1. SolarWinds: SolarWinds Service Desk is a ticketing tool that optimizes requests, tickets, and customer interactions. It allows users to filter tickets to easily narrow searches from a myriad of other requests.
  1. HappyFox: HappyFox is a cloud-based support ticketing and helps desk system. It boasts an easy-to-customize interface, plus integration with several other SaaS applications.
  1. Jira Service Desk: Jira is a ticketing software product used for tracking and reporting issues and self-service knowledge management. It has various features, including reporting, customizability, and integration with other tools.
  1. Mojo IT Helpdesk: Mojo IT allows businesses to track and manage tickets, requests, and questions in one software system. It is customizable for departments and suitable for any size of business.
  1. Zendesk: Zendesk is a popular ticketing tool. It offers an automated service that automatically assigns tickets to appropriate teams and tracks their progress from submission to resolution.


Customer service is the key to preserving a business, and with businesses becoming increasingly digital, it’s not practical anymore. Ticketing tools like MetroHelpDesk are getting popular as an alternative for providing tidy fast, adequate customer satisfaction in ticket systems that can be used by support personnel on behalf of their company too.


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